Perfect Slow Two Step phase: approximately V (trpl traveler, riff trn, swhrt swch) Music: Ed Sheeran - Perfect (Track 5, Album Divide, 2017) Choreo: Lucie Červená, Jakub Benda (02/2018) A B C - Inter 1 - A B C - Inter 2 - C - End Part A wait in wrap position face LOD, starts on the word "Love" 2 op bas;; switches;; sd bas; swhrt wrap W trans; swhrt runs;; swhrt swch; lady across; swhrt swch; lady across; SHDW lun bas; SHDW lun bas, lady lunch and roll 3 to FC; lun bas 2x;; Part B trav X chasses;; 2x to BFLY;; undrm trn; M undrm trn; lun bas 2x to manuv;; R trn w/outsd roll; bas ending; basic to manuv REV;; R trn w/outsd roll; bas ending; lun bas; riff trn (to RLOD); Part C (starts with trail foot) lun bas; L trn; bas ending; L trn to to R-HNDSHK; Shadow Break-3x (on the 3rd to VARS Line);;; Fwd Lady Roll out; Fwd Lady free Roll in; 2 op bas;; trpl traveler;;; bas ending; sd draw cl to PU REV; Inter 1 L trn w/insd roll; bas ending; basic;; A - B - C Inter 2 L trn w/insd roll; bas ending; basic;; M rev undrm trn; M undrm trn; lun bas; riff trn (to RLOD); C Ending L trn; op bas; switches;; basic to cuddle position;; sd draw cl 2x;; dip back and leg crawl... A (0.36)B (1.02)C - Inter 1 - (1.41)A B (2.41)C - Inter 2 - (3.28)C - (3.58)End --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Footwork based on the choreography "You Needed Me" by Curt & Tammy Worlock FWD LADY ROLL OUT; FWD LADY FREE ROLL IN; (FWD Lady roll out) Fwd L, -, release L hands leading W w/R hand to roll RF fwd R, fwd L (fwd R,-, fwd L/spiral 7/8 RF, cont RF trn fwd L) to end w/R hands joined in front of W fcing LOD; (FWR Lady free roll in) Fwd R,-, leading W w/R hand to roll LF & then release fwd L, fwd R (fwd L, -, fwd R/spiral 7/8 LF, cont LF trn fwd L) to end nothing touching in OPEN “V” POS FCING LOD; Footwork based on the choreography "Beat of Your Heart" by Randy and Marie Preskitt with different ending SIDE BASICS ; SWEETHEART WRAP W/TRANS; BFLY M fcg WALL sd L, -, XRIB, rec L; Sd R, -. XLIB binging ld hands around W head to wrap, rec R (W sd L, -,XRIF trng LF under joined ld hands to wrap pos fc DW,-) ; SWEETHEART RUN 6 ; ; SWEETHEART SWITCH ; LADY ACROSS ; SHADOW LUNGE BASIC ; SHDW LUNGE BASIC, LADY LUNCH AND ROLL 3 TO FACE; (Sweetheart Runs) Wrap pos same foot fwd L, - fwd R, fwd L; Fwd R, -, fwd L, fwd R comm. RT turn; (Sweetheart Switch) Fwd & sd L across W trn RF fc LOD W on left side (W trng RF sd & bk L cont RF trn L wrap pos), -, fwd R, fwd L; (Lady Across)Fwd R small step moving W across body, -, fwd L, fwd R(W fwd R across M, fwd L, fwd R) end wrap pos LOD: (Shadow Lunge Basic) Releasing hands turn to fc wall lunge sd L (W also) extend L arms, - rec R bring arms in, XLIF; (Shadow Lunge, lady lunch and roll 3 to FC)Lunge sd R extnd R arms, -, rec L, XRIF (W lunge sd R, rec L trng LF 3 steps, one and half round fc M, SQ&Q) to BFLY fc wall; OTHERWISE - standard figures (see Roundalab)